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What is Mozzarella Cheese?

Mozzarella cheese. One of the most widely used cheeses in the world, and for very good reason. Becoming one of the most popular choices among the 18th century, mozzarella has stayed a staple cheese for a number of years and throughout a multitude of recipes across the globe. In the beginning, mozzarella was made purely with buffalo milk, giving it an ultra-creamy texture and a subtle yet delectable flavour. In fact, this specific cheese was so sought after that the monks at San Lorenzo monastery in Capua used to offer a cheese called Mozza during their annual pilgrimage to worshippers.

So, what is mozzarella? In its native tongue, mozzarella cheese was referred to as mozzare, which was a tribute to the way the curd was (and still is) hand stretched into strips and then sectioned off into smaller balls – the way we still create mozzarella here at Fresco Cheese. Its popularity in the 18th century came from the Bourbons when they started breeding buffalos for the sake of their treasured milk. Nowadays, however, mozzarella cheese is made from both buffalo and cow’s milk.

Visit our cheese outlet today or find your nearest retail stockist if you’re wanting to check out or purchase some of our beautiful and locally made cheese. For more information, contact us online!

What is Mozzarella Cheese Made From?

First and foremost, the production of classic mozzarella di bufala (buffalo milk mozzarella) guarantees that a product is made according to traditional techniques (defined by the AOC label specifications) with milk coming from four specific southern Italian regions such as Campania, Latium, Puglia, and Molise – along with parts of provinces such as Benevento, Rome, Naples, Frosinone, Latina, Foggia, and Isernia.

At Fresco Cheese, we like to ensure all of our mozzarella is produced the same way, if not, similarly enough to the way cheese artisans first started creating the delicacy. Not only does it keep the production well and truly alive for generations to come, but it also means our mozzarella is going to be a blend of the perfect texture and taste for our customers.

What is mozzarella cheese made from in the modern era? Although mozzarella was predominantly created using strictly buffalo milk, the demand of the western world has meant more accessible ingredients were needed. This is why a majority of mozzarella that is produced nowadays is made purely from cow’s milk – or sometimes, a blend of both buffalo and cow’s milk. In comparison, cow’s milk mozzarella provides more of a mild flavour profile than that of buffalo milk.

How is Mozzarella Made?

Now that we have answered “what is mozzarella”, it’s time to understand how it is made. Mozzarella cheese isn’t aged like majority of other cheeses are – in fact, the best time to eat it is within hours of it being made. At Fresco our products are the freshest on the market! Allowing you to enjoy Mozzarella the at its best.

The process taken to create mozzarella cheese is called pasta filata, where the milk is incubated with a whey starter containing a very specific bacteria before rennet is added to create curds. Once the curds are visible, they are then heated in warm water (or in some whey) until they form strings.

The texture that artisans look for is that stringy, stretchy texture, something that mimics elastic! Once this has been achieved, the creators then spend time carefully stretching and kneading until the cheese is smooth. This is the part where the mozzarella is turned into the popular mozzarella balls, sectioned from one another into convenient sizes.

Browse our selection of fresh mozzarella cheese today!

Common Uses for Mozzarella

Mozzarella is such a diverse cheese that it can be used within so many different recipes. For example:

  • Arancini
  • Creamy sauces
  • Pizza
  • Lasagnes & pastas
  • Frittatas
  • With potatoes
  • Battered and fried (mozzarella sticks)
  • Stuffed into chicken
  • Over a salad
  • Bruschetta and more…

Because the world of mozzarella is so vast, you will find yourself down a rabbit hole of recipes you’ll be dying to try. Regardless of whether the cheese is shredded, in balls, or a mozzarella log, it’s the perfect cheese to keep in your fridge.

The Fresco Cheese Way

At Fresco Cheese, our specialist artisans take pride in creating an array of cheeses the traditional way. With our passion for the process and generations of cheesemaking experience, we know exactly what is required to produce stunning cheese that our customers love. As local artisans, we’ve become the preferred choice for home cooks and professional chefs across the region. The best part? 100% of our milk is locally sourced from Australian farms!

Choose Fresco Cheese!

If you’re wanting to browse our selection of cheese, come and visit our cheesery or find your nearest retail stockist online! As the leading fresh cheese maker, we ensure our products are always accessible. For more information or general queries, get in touch online.

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